David & Grace Son
Lead Pastor
Pastor David grew up in the Bay Area, California. In 2009, he graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a B.A. in Architecture. After college, he spent one summer on the mission field in East Asia, where he received his calling to full-time ministry. Upon coming back to the States, he attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for his M.Div. From 2012 to 2018, he served in the college ministry at Symphony Church in Boston. Some of his passions include music, basketball, fixing/building things with his hands, and discipling young people. Pastor David, his wife Grace, and his three sons, Elijah, Jubilee, and Benjamin were sent to Taipei, Taiwan, to plant an AMI church. The hope and purpose of this church is to reach the college campuses and young adults of Taipei with the Gospel, in order to raise up the next generation of Kingdom workers.

Patrick & Deb Ng
Lay Leaders
Patrick grew up in the Atlanta area. He graduated from UPenn, where he met the Lord and received a calling to East Asia at AMI Rev 2008. Deb grew up in NJ. She graduated from Harvard and completed her MD at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. They met in Boston, where they pursued graduate and postgraduate training. After getting married in 2013, they served together at Symphony Church. Their career path intersected with their calling to serve God in East Asia when they moved to Taipei in 2018 to work at a cancer center and help plant Thrive Church. Patrick and Deb enjoy visiting museums and libraries. Since coming to Taiwan, they have added two more to their family - their daughter Evelyn and their son Theo!

Kevin & Sharon Huang
Ministry Staff
Kevin was born in Taiwan, but at the age of 1, his family immigrated to the U.S. Kevin grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. He graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a M.A. in Intercultural Studies. After seminary, he joined OMF International and came to Taiwan in 2017 as a missionary working in a church-planting ministry. Sharon grew up in Taipei and Irvine, California. After some time working in the U.S., Sharon felt called by God to move back to Taiwan and serve in full-time ministry. Kevin met Sharon in Taiwan and they got married in 2020. They enjoy hanging out with friends and family, watching NBA basketball, and eating delicious food. They both share experiences of living in the U.S. and Taiwan and passion to serve in ministry full-time. Kevin and Sharon are excited to join and support Thrive Taipei’s vision of raising up young, Taiwanese disciples of Christ and to see the generational impact of the Gospel in Taiwan.