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About AMI

Thrive Church is a member of Acts Ministries International.

Acts Ministries International (AMI) began in 2002 with a group of pastors who had a vision to restore the early church that was seen in Acts 2. We envision AMI to be more than a denomination or an association. It is a community of churches seeking to model the spirituality, vision, and partnership exemplified in the book of Acts. AMI is committed to developing disciples of Christ within our churches, as well as spreading the gospel message to unreached people through church planting and missions work.

Agreement: Partnership within AMI is based on agreement with three S’s: Statements, Spirituality, and Supervision.

Statements: We agree on our statements of faith, purpose, and mission in order to have a common foundation and framework as we work together. Looking into the Bible, we found that God has given certain values and directions to His church as His representatives in the world. From these scriptural values we take our Statements.

Spirituality: AMI churches also have a common Spirituality. Our desire to passionately pursue God brings us together as it is expressed in worship, prayer, and ministry. This Spirituality drives us in the same direction as we do ministry.

Supervision: We highly value Supervision. We need accountability between churches to faithfully continue in our ministry because our hearts are prone to wander from God. AMI’s leadership team provides oversight for our ministries, and is able to address any issues that may arise.

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